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此外,指导中心的计划欢迎任何ISU学生注册导师, ISU有各种各样更bc菠菜导航的辅导项目. 请参阅下面的每个程序的详细信息.


贝赫教育学院同侪导师计划标志The 贝赫教育学院’s Peer Mentoring Program provides a community based on positive interactions with fellow students. 该项目坚持认可成功的社会良知, adversities, 将挑战视为机遇,为未来的教育者改善学习环境. 每周都有同伴导师, 欢迎并鼓励所有BCOE学生参加. Please visit their website 或联系教育学生服务(UH 115)了解更多信息. 在Instagram上关注他们 @isubcoemp.



Many students are passionate about arts and sciences but worry that a degree will not lead directly to a rewarding career. 每年都有数百项研究和调查证实,事实远非如此. The skills and knowledge that you receive with and arts and sciences education prepare you—as well as, 或者比其他bc菠菜导航更适合21世纪快速变化的经济. 最近的一项研究得出结论,20年后, 未来将有一半的工作或职业在今天不存在. Graduates will need, more than ever, to be adaptable, 做终身学习者, 并能够与来自美国和世界各地的人们建立联系和合作. Our alumni do that. These College of Arts and Sciences alumni have agreed to serve as mentors for current or future students. 在中科院的网站上有简短的个人简介和电子邮件链接. Students, 请阅读他们的故事和, if you’d like, reach out to these CAS alums and get advice and hear more about how their degrees here made all of that possible. 欲了解更多信息和校友传记,请访问中国科学院校友导师计划 website.


The Destination Success Program in the 贝利工程技术学院 is a pilot program targeted at increasing student success and career readiness in female students pursuing areas of study in STEM housed in the 贝利工程技术学院. Sponsors for the group included both internal academic and external industry-based sponsors for each student participant. The goals of the project are to increase academic success and career readiness of students thru utilizing existing campus resources and external campus connections.

The purpose of students working with internal and external champions is so students can make connections between the academic and professional arenas. 学生每月至少与冠军见面一次,进行一对一的交流. 他们每月还会参加更大的目的地成功小组的会议. 项目的成功是通过以下指标来衡量的:

  • 提高参与者的平均绩点
  • 衡量学生的经济援助进展情况(他们是否接受了SAP教育)
  • 按申请人优先登记,跟踪登记频率
  • 学期开始后增加或减少的课程数
  • 增加或继续成功完成每学期15个学分的参与者
  • 增加参加就业中心和学术顾问的频率
  • 衡量参与者对项目的满意度
  • 衡量赞助商对项目的满意度
  • 衡量非参与者的学业和职业发展


FirstSycamores Mentoring对所有新生开放. Students are assigned to faculty and staff mentors who will help them make the transition from high school to college. 该计划的目标如下:

  • To assist new students in making a successful academic and personal adjustment to bc菠菜导航
  • 协助新生适应bc菠菜导航
  • 向新生展示如何访问和利用校园资源
  • To provide faculty and staff members the opportunity to develop a meaningful connection with a first-year student
  • To provide new students with the opportunity to develop a meaningful connection with a faculty or staff member

欲了解更多关于FirstSycamores Mentoring的信息,请致电(812)237-2700.


The 同侪导师荣誉 are experienced students in the Honors College who mentor first-year Honors students as they adjust to life at bc菠菜导航. 每个即将入学的荣誉学生都有一个同侪导师,他将提供建议, answer questions, 在你融入国际州立大学社区的过程中,成为校园里的友好面孔. The 同侪导师荣誉 are involved in numerous organizations on campus and also with the Honors College, 所以他们知道第一手的是什么是一个积极进取的学生, take Honors classes, live on campus, study abroad, 有效地平衡学校和课外活动的时间. 他们很乐意与你分享他们的经历并了解你! 欲了解更多信息,请访问他们的网站 website 或联系Katie Lugar or (812) 237-3222.


The ISUcceed program was created to assist students with the transition from high school to Indiana State. issucceed解决了通常阻碍学生成功的问题,比如时间管理, 参与和学习技巧. issuccess的过渡和指导项目为历史上代表性不足的学生提供服务:

  • 师徒关系(为新生分配初级或高级导师)

  • 参与文化认同发展规划

  • 注册3个学时的UC 110课程

  • 直接获得人力和机构资源

  • 参与社会和社区活动的机会

欲了解更多信息,请联系Valerie Hart-Craig or (812) 237-3811.


AACC持续时间最长的留用计划, MAPS pairs students with professionals in their academic area of interest and provides a space for students to develop professionally and gain a stronger sense of cultural identity. MAPS计划的目标是大学二年级和三年级的学生 & 在培养学生领导能力方面有良好的记录吗 & 为他们毕业后的生活做准备. MAPS is experiential learning at its best and the logical "next step" for an I-Succeed student to consider as they move forward in their academic pursuits. 欲了解更多信息,请联系Valerie Hart-Craig or (812) 237-3811.

寄宿同伴导师- STARS计划和项目成功(一年级学生项目)

寄宿同伴导师(rpm)与学生一起工作 STARS Initiative and Project Success. RPMs are upper-class students who live on our STARS and Project Success floors in the Residence Halls, 类似于宿舍助理(RA), but they focus on helping their students develop successful academic habits during their first year at bc菠菜导航. 有关RPM位置的更多信息,请访问他们的 website 或与Stephanie Pearcy联系 or (812) 237-2278.


本科生暑期研究经历(SURE) is a 10-week research-intensive program designed to build a community of undergraduate researchers. During the program, 学生在独立研究项目上由教师指导, 在每周的全体会议上介绍他们的研究, 在最后的SURE研讨会上展示一张海报, 并参与社会和服务活动. Beginning in 2006, the Department of Chemistry and Physics at ISU has administered the Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) program. 今天,这个项目涵盖了所有的科学,许多项目是跨学科的. 自成立以来,教师通过SURE指导了500多名学生. The relationships built over the summer continue as students often conduct research throughout the school year. 欲了解更多信息,请联系博士. Ryan Van Hoveln ( or Dr. Eric Glendening (


万杯咖啡是就业中心的校友导师平台. 对于学生来说,这是一个很好的交流机会,可以在他们的早期与校友建立联系, mid, or late careers. 这是学生们结识行业内外人士的机会, 拓展他们的视野, 获得特定领域的建议, 提高与bc菠菜导航人士的交际技巧. 该平台根据学员和导师的兴趣偏好进行匹配. It also allows the participants to take initiative with how much they want to gain from the experience and how often they will chat, 该平台还提供破冰技巧. This is a much more relaxed mentoring program than one might think; it really just serves as a user-friendly platform for students and alums to connect, 有可能建立终身联系. 如果有兴趣加入,请点击以下链接创建一个帐户:

如果你有问题, 请联系Christa Stultz, 就业中心的雇主关系协调员


The Transition Mentor is a leadership position hosted in the Office of New Student Transition Programs in conjunction with State Engage, 第二部分必修课. 这个职位是一个很好的机会,可以结识和指导不同的人, 一群充满活力的人,帮助他们为在国务院的经历做好准备. Transition Mentors are essential in helping to facilitate the adjustment of new students to the ISU community. 导师在新生通过暑期交流的过渡中扮演着关键的角色, State Engage, and State Welcome. 如果您对这次机会感兴趣并想了解更多信息,请访问我们的网站 or contact

在Instagram上关注他们 @ISU_nstp and Facebook @ISU.NSTP.

大学学院见习 & Mentoring Program

Optional – The University College's Peer Mentoring Program for students on academic probation supports participants’ educational goals. Peer Mentors assist with motivation and student commitment to achieving their academic and professional goals. The mentor works to enhance students' awareness of academic challenges and provide solutions grounded in proven methodologies. 策略包括培养成长型思维, 强调积极的自我对话, 制定学习计划.

Mandatory - The University College's Peer Mentoring Program for students who have been reinstated after academic dismissal supports participants’ educational success goals. It entails a collaborative structure aimed at helping students to identify their academic challenges and hone metacognitive approaches to effective, efficient, and deep learning. 同伴导师密切倾听,激励和鼓励学生的学术承诺. 策略包括培养成长型思维, 强调积极的自我对话, 制定学习计划.

了解更多有关该计划的信息或成为同伴导师, 请联系教务长Linda Maule, Ph.D. (或阿曼达·穆罕默德(Amanda Muhammad)博士.D. (, or visit the 大学学院学术见习网站.


The 首先是我的家庭辅导计划 connects first-generation undergraduate students with First-Generation faculty, staff, and Alumni. 总体目标是在ISU期间为学生提供支持和指导. 在一年的承诺期间, 学生将接触到学术, professional, 以及职业发展机会. 作为这个项目的一部分, 导师将有机会与学生建立牢固的关系, 协助和指导他们毕业及以后的生活. 该计划的目标如下:

  • 协助第一代学生成功适应国际滑联的学业和个人生活
  • 协助第一代学生适应bc菠菜导航
  • Provide first-generation students with the opportunity to develop a meaningful connection with faculty, staff, and alumni  
  • 为教职员工和校友提供与学生建立有意义联系的机会

如果你有兴趣报名参加我的家庭辅导计划, 请与李博士联系. Aaron Slocum at


Room 233
510 N 6 1/2 Street
Terre Haute, IN 47809

Friday 8 AM – 5 PM

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